Buyers and sellers want a competent guide when purchasing or selling their real estate property. You can offer those professional benefits to more clients when you enroll in our course,
“Foundations for Success in Real Estate.” With this self-paced course you will learn powerful business planning techniques, how to balance your work-life, develop a winning attitude, find new clients, use persuasive sales techniques, and close more sales.
See the course outline.
“Foundations for Success in Real Estate” is based on decades of research, and real estate training and coaching by Jim Luger. Jim has been an active real estate broker for over 40 years. He is a Certified Distance Education Instructor (CDEI) from the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO), and has written and designed highly rated online real estate education courses for over a decade, which have been taken by thousands of real estate licensees.
NOTE: This course is a professional development course, and is NOT designed to comply with license education requirements. Therefore, you will NOT receive license education credits for this course, including but not limited to, continuing education, post license, or pre-license.
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When you are leading agents professionally, you are competently attracting, training, and retaining agents, which in turn will reward you with a high level of success. Many new and mid-career agents are looking for effective leadership that will help them develop and grow professionally. Continuing Ed Express can help you offer those benefits in three ways: attracting those agents, providing them with skills-based career training, and guiding them as they prosper and grow your successful organization. Here is what our training programs offer you:
Our agent training course, “Foundations for Success in Real Estate,” will help both your new and mid-career agents energize their careers. (See the above course description.)
Our management training course, “Leadership Skills for Brokers and Managers,” will help you attract and screen agents who have a high potential for real estate success and then guide and retain them as they grow their careers. When you complete this self-paced course, we will award you the Professional Real Estate Leader™ (PREL™) designation. There is no extra charge for this designation, and you do not need to recertify in the future.
See the course outline.
“Leadership Skills for Brokers and Managers” is based on decades of real estate management experience, and agent training and coaching by Jim Luger, who has been a top award-winning real estate broker for over 40 years. Jim is a Certified Distance Education Instructor (CDEI) from the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO), and has written and designed online real estate education courses for over a decade, which have been highly rated by thousands of real estate licensees.
NOTE: This course is a professional development course, and is NOT designed to comply with license education requirements. Therefore, you will NOT receive license education credits for this course, including but not limited to, continuing education, post license, or pre-license.
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