Help Your Client Establish a Walk-Away Point
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Before beginning to negotiate on a contract, help your clients determine their walk-away point (the worst terms they will accept).
Knowing this limit ahead of time will help clients avoid getting caught up in the negotiation and agreeing to spend more – or accept less - than they originally intended to.
What Do Your Sellers Think Their Property is Worth?
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
You know sellers often have a biased opinion about their property’s value. Before leaving your initial listing walk-through, ask the sellers what they think their property is worth.
It’s important to know their expectations, because you might have to build a convincing case for why they are wrong.
When to Qualify Open House Buyers
Open house visitors arrive on high alert!
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Most visitors arrive at your open house feeling defensive and vulnerable, and they try to protect themselves from "the salesperson" by being evasive or guarded.
You can make them feel relaxed and safe by simply smiling and thanking them for coming, and then offering to show them around. Ask your qualifying questions when they are ready to leave.
Top 7 Seller Improvements!
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Your Responsibilities to Service Dog Users
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
To learn more about service dogs, view the ADA Factsheet.
Listing Photos That Turn Buyers off
Learn to see your listings like a photo pro!
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Any clutter in a photo is a turn-off. This includes a refrigerator covered in fridge magnets and paper postings. The shot of the refrigerator should not be omitted, just take away all the clutter covering it. The same is true of clutter on kitchen and bath counter tops, bathtubs and showers. Only the decorative items should be visible.
Real estate photography dos and don’ts can help your listing photos really stand out!
Find More Sellers
Follow a Proven Advertising Formula
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
When you get a new listing, use an announcement flyer to attract other neighborhood sellers. Your flyer should follow the A-I-D-A formula (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), like this:
A (Attention) - Grab the reader’s attention and curiosity. (i.e.: One exterior and multiple interior photos.)
I (Interest) - Engage and maintain their interest. (i.e.: "I Just Listed Your Neighbor’s Home.")
D (Desire) - Make them desire your offer. (i.e.: "I can show you the market value of your home.")
A (Action) - Persuade them to act soon. (i.e.: "Call today for a free, no obligation evaluation.")
Learning proven marketing ideas can be the key to your real estate success.
Managing Means Coaching
Develop Your Sales Staff to Develop Your Company
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
A brokerage leader’s key professional development tasks are to:
How Hidden Defects Can Benefit Your Buyers
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Explain to your buyers that a home inspector’s report that includes numerous or expensive defects could provide them the leverage needed to get a price reduction. If the buyer does not like the results of the inspection, review the terms of your agreement to find out what recourse the buyer would have.
Learning how an experienced professional home inspector looks for defects can benefit your buyers.
Engaging Potential Agents
New Agents Might Be Looking For You
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Prospective agents will consider joining your company if you can explain how you would help them develop professionally. When you find a potential agent candidate, follow this simple sequence:
The "Big 6" Services Buyers Want From You
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Studies have shown that buyers generally want the following services from their agent, in this order of importance:
Learn to Love Complaints?
Customer Complaints Can Be Good For You!
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Consumer complaints can be an opportunity to enhance the service experience. Surveys have shown that consumer satisfaction is higher than average when they feel their agent successfully and quickly resolved a problem.
Learning how to quickly and effectively resolve transaction problems can help lead to great customer experiences.
Are Recruiting Ads Worth Their Cost?
Advertising for New Agents!
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Finding new agents by advertising might be an acceptable expense.
Let’s say you buy an ad for $100 per week, which gets one response each week, and one new hire each month: a total of $400 spent. Compare this cost with your current average per-agent cost.
Is the Air Inside That Property Poisonous?
Bad Indoor Air Can Poison You!
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Each day we breathe about 5,000 gallons of air. Since most people spend over 90% of their time indoors, the quality of air inside directly impacts the health of the inhabitants. Reactions from contaminants can cause a range of health hazards, from mild to severe.
Becoming aware of these hazards and how to test for them is the first step toward keeping your, and your clients’, indoor air healthy.
Do You Really Want That Listing?
Avoid a Listing Agent's Worst Nightmares
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Before agreeing to represent a seller, ask yourself the following questions:
Practice Random Recruiting!
Recruiting on the Fly!
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
This might seem too simple, but one of the most effective ways of finding new agents is to simply ask people you know or meet if they’ve ever thought about selling real estate. You’ll be surprised how many have, and it could lead to a new agent joining your office.
Develop a Winning Attitude!
You Are What You Think!
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Your deep-rooted, habitual attitudes spontaneously trigger your thoughts, your behaviors, and the outcomes of your life. Here are two ways to gently overcome attitudes that might be holding you back:
Advanced Leadership Skills!
High Achievers Seek Help.
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
High achievers value information, advice, or assistance that will help them achieve their goals as directly, easily, and quickly as possible.
By asking your top performers how you can best help them stay on track with their goals, you can remain a valuable resource to them. If you assume they don't need your help, they might seek it elsewhere.
Ye Olde Ben Franklin Close!
Closing Techniques.
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
Supposedly invented by Ben Franklin, this closing strategy can help your customers make difficult decisions.
State all the positives of going forward, and then ask the customer for negatives. If the customer gives fewer drawbacks, you can ask, "Does that help tip the balance?"
Closing Technique!
No Closing, No Sale.
By Jim Luger, CDEI
Certified Distance Education Instructor
People resist big changes, like buying a multi-thousand-dollar house with a 30-year debt and moving into a new community. Successfully closing a sale requires overcoming this resistance.
One way to do this is to view yourself as encouraging your clients to do what they really want to do.
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